Creating a Successful Fashion Exhibition

When you visit a fashion show, your purpose is to see first-hand the talented work of individual designers worldwide. A fashion show is more than simply a showcase of fine clothing, it's an experience. An expression of one designer's unique personality and style. Of course, much of that is poured into the meticulous design of the clothing in show. However, have you ever stopped for a second to look away from the clothes, and admire your surroundings?

The Experience
A great deal of thought goes into the creation of a fashion show exhibition. It's all about creating an experience for the audience. It's more of a celebration of the designer than the clothes themselves. Every part of the exhibition is planned and strategized. It begins with the design of the clothes, which then goes on to consider the set, the choreography and the music which is played.

The Set
A great set plays an integral role in a successful fashion exhibition. Whether you consciously take note of it or not, a good set will help to draw you into the fashion experience. Many sets tend to play off an overall theme. Things such as unique props help to exemplify this. Take for example Steven Tai, who at the London Fashion Week integrated a blue custom pit in his set. Traditionally used within trampoline parks, Steven had the foresight to turn a foam pit into an abstract pool of water. A fantastic choice which perfectly complimented his beach theme exhibition.

The Music

Music can make or break a fashion exhibition. It plays a crucial role in developing an atmosphere. Choose wrong and the whole illusion is broken. Music isn't just picked at random, it's carefully selected or created to intertwine with the designer's vision.

The Choreography
Just like the theatre, fashion shows require choreography if they're ever going to go to plan. The designers work is being exhibited by a model and that person requires guidance. Practice makes perfect when it comes to presenting a successful fashion exhibition.

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